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dc.contributor.authorReity, Oleksandr-
dc.identifier.citationV.Yu. Lazur, S.M. Kuzma, V.V. Rubish, O.K. Reity: Time of quantum information transfer from one atom qubit to another taking into account damping of quantum states // Proceedings of the 22th Small Triangle Meeting (October 25-28, 2022, Medzilaborce, Slovakia). – Košice: EQUILIBRIA, s.r.o., Slovakia for IEP SAS. – 2023. – P.
dc.description.abstractThe dynamics of the model quantum system consisting of two stationary identical two-level atoms, one of which is irradiated by a real photons field. The influence of states damping on the process of quantum information transfer between two atoms qubits at arbitrary distances is studied, taking into account the retarded dipole-dipole interaction of atoms. Under rather general assumptions, the system of non-stationary equations is obtained that describes the evolution of the amplitudes of possible states of the compound system “atomA(1) + atomA(2) + field” in symmetric and antisymmetric channels of interaction of an atom pair with the field of real photons. For the first time, the combined influence of retarded dipole-dipole interaction and state damping effects on the process of transmission of quantum information from one atom qubit to another at arbitrary interatomic distances is
dc.publisherEQUILIBRIA, s.r.o., Slovakia for IEP SASuk
dc.subjectQuantum information, atom-qubit, damping of quantum statesuk
dc.titleTime of quantum information transfer from one atom qubit to another taking into account damping of quantum statesuk
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри диференціальних рівнянь та математичної фізики

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