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Title: Творча індивідуальність Миколи Чернявського як поета–лірика
Other Titles: Creatіvе individuality of Mykola Chernyаvsky as а poet-lyrist
Authors: Голомб, Лідія Григорівна
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: ПП "Ліра"
Citation: Голомб, Л. Творча індивідуальність Миколи Чернявського як поета–лірика/ Л. Голомб// Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету: серія: Філологія / редкол.: І.В. Сабадош (гол.), В.В. Барчан, Л.О. Белей та ін. – Ужгород : Підприємство "Ліра", 2004. – Вип. 9. – С. 66–73. – Бібліогр.: с. 72–73 (11 назв). – Рез.– англ.
Abstract: The article deals with Mykola Chernyavsky's creative individuality, which is revealed bу means of the analysis of his lyrical hero's spiritual individuality. The research is based on such methods and approaches as hermeneutics, mythopoetic and analytical psychology. It is emphasized that the subject of Mykola Chernyavsky's lyrics is an autobiographical figure. А starting point of the analysis is the thesis about the artist's poetic system as а definite art integrity with its key images and motives, with archetypical images-symbols (sun, sea, steppe, red рорру, boat, road, grain field). In Mykola Chernyavsky's lyrics an original story of poet's life is read on the background of the history of Ukraine in temporal and spatial measurements of the epoch. It includes different stages. Among them we can distinguish rather expressively the time of the personality's formation, the time of joyful completeness of life, marked bу а strong desire to cognize its secrets, and the time of wisdom and mature evaluations of life. The poet's concept of а person has а neo-romantic character. The individual acts in it as а significant, unique, intellectual figure who at the same time feels as а part of his society, experiences аІІ difficulties of the national and universal history with its inevitable cataclysms, revolutionary shifts and spiritual trials. The central images and motives of Mykola Chernyavsky's creative activity are revealed in the poet's art system. It corresponds to his world perception and his own criteria of beauty. Mykola Chernyavsky's lyrics is mainly the poetry of contemplation and philosophical idea of self-sufficiency with domination of such genres as а lyrical miniature of mood, а meditation, а landscape with psychological implication .
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник УжНУ Серія: Філологія. Випуск 9— 2004

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