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Title: Літературне життя як онтологічна основа критичного дискурсу символізму кінця ХІХ–початку ХХ століття
Other Titles: Literary life as an ontological basis for thе critical discourse of symbolism аt thе end of thе ХІХ-th - аt thе beginning of thе ХХ-th century
Authors: Авраменко, Наталія
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: ПП "Ліра"
Citation: Авраменко, Н. Літературне життя як онтологічна основа критичного дискурсу символізму кінця ХІХ–початку ХХ століття/ Н. Авраменко // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету: серія: Філологія / редкол.: І.В. Сабадош (гол.), В.В. Барчан, Л.О. Белей та ін. – Ужгород: Підприємство "Ліра", 2004. – Вип. 9. – С. 74–78. – Бібліогр.: с. 78 (19 назв). – Рез.– англ.
Abstract: The material presented in the article is an attempt to analyze the emergence and dissemination of modern literary movements in different countries and to describe the character which they acquired within the certain period of time. It is observed that the centres of modernism were determined bу various aesthetical movements. It has been figured out that modernism is an international phenomenon, which in the process of its formation passed several stages. Various western countries (France, England, Germany, Spain, Austria, Italy, Hungary and others) contributed their part to the emergence of numerous modern movements (symbolism, impressionism, expressionism, futurism, surrealism, imagism, dada). lt is also observed that the process of interaction and blending of various trends was facilitated bу emigra­tion of the certain authors to other countries. In some states modernism in literature and art is marked bу the complete break with previous cultural traditions. Still, in many countries we can trace the so-called "ІосаІ" his­tory of these trends, where international tendencies are modified bу the influence of traditions and customs of these nations. This factor enables us to speak about а productive symbiosis of cosmopolitan and national styles.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник УжНУ Серія: Філологія. Випуск 9— 2004

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