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Название: Стратегічна оцінка впливу лісового господарства на навколишнє середовище для досягнення сталого розвитку
Другие названия: Strategic Assessment of the Impact of Forestry on the Environment to Achieve Sustainable Development
Авторы: Ошуркевич Паньківська, Оксана
Паньківський, Юрій
Задорожний, Андрій
Резніченко, Віта
Коломієць, Людмила
Дата публикации: 2024
Издательство: Revista de la Universidad del Zulia
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The relevance of the proposed topic is driven by global climate change and the urgent need to optimize the management of natural resources. Forests play a central role in the global carbon balance and are of great socio-economic importance for local communities. The research aims to analyze forest management strategies and their environmental impacts. The study focuses on forest ecosystems in different regions and climatic zones. The methodology is based on a comprehensive analysis of scientific literature, statistical data, and the examination of practical examples. The article highlights the dynamics of forest ecosystem restoration following different types of forestry interventions in different climatic zones, including the Ukrainian context. The impact of forest management on global carbon balances and the socio-economic sphere is assessed. The research shows that adaptive strategies can contribute to sustainable development and biodiversity conservation. The conclusions provide recommendations for the implementation of these strategies at the national level, especially in Ukraine.
Тип: Text
Тип публикации: Стаття
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/62191
ISSN: 0041-8811
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові публікації кафедри лісівництва

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