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Название: Possibility of improving method of age determination during pathological attrition
Авторы: Goncharuk-Khomyn, Myroslav
Kostenko, Y.
Ключевые слова: Forensic Odontology, Age determination, Pathological attrition
Дата публикации: окт-2013
Издательство: Journal for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
Библиографическое описание: Possibility of improving method of age determination during pathological attrition. Journal for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology. 2013. Vol. 31, Sup. 1. P. 67-68.
Серия/номер: Vol. 31, Sup. 1.;
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Determination of biological age of a person plays a significant role in the forensic science, especially in the comparative and reconstructive identification antemortem and postmortem as recommended by Interpol / ICPO (International Criminal Police Organization) and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Bodies justice use the results to determine the age by dental status in an ethnically heterogeneous society where age indicators affecting the need and opportunity to benefit from the state budget socio-vulnerable persons, illegal immigrants and children; it also influenced on level of criminal responsibility of persons with regard to age limit. Age is the least variable and most probably accurate in determining indicator, since the aging process most independently reflected in changes of the pulp and hard tissues of the teeth than on any other functional systems of the body that are more vulnerable to the effects of pathologies features, constitution and physiological defects. Practical determining the age of adults is possible using morphological techniques of Gustafson G. ("Age determination on teeth"), Bang G., Ramm E. ("Determination of age in humans from root dentine transparency") Johanson G. ("Age determination from teeth"), Maples WR. ("An improved technique using dental histology for estimation of adult age"), and morphologically-radiographic techniques of Solheim T. ("A new method for dental age estimation in adults"), Kvaal SI et al ("Age estimation of adults from dental radiographs"). The most accurate in calculating and rational method is Kvaal et al. technique, which involves calculating ratio of length of crown and root to the length of the pulp, width of the root to the width of the pulp in specifically designated locations, search averages and the use of standardized coefficients for the final result. However, this technique does not provide for the effective use with the presence of hard tissue lesions of teeth, prominent among them being pathological attrition.
Тип: Text
Тип публикации: Тези до статті
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/62894
ISSN: 2219-6749
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові публікації кафедри терапевтичної стоматології

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