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Title: Южнославянско-венгерские лексические паралели в говорах карпaто-балканского ареала
Other Titles: South-slavonic-hungarian parallels in thе dialects of thе Carpathian-Balкan area
Authors: Лизанець, Петро Миколайович
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: Поліграфцентр "Ліра"
Citation: Лизанець, П. Южнославянско-венгерские лексические паралели в говорах карпто-балканского ареала/ П. Лизанець// Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету: Серія: Філологія / ред.кол.: В.В. Барчан (гол. ред.), Л.О. Белей, О.Д. Пискач та ін. – Ужгород: Поліграфцентр "Ліра", 2000. – Вип. 5. – С. 106-109. – Бібліогр.: с.108 (8 назв). – Рез. англ.
Abstract: The problem close contacts between the languages and the dialects of the Carpathian-Balkan area had interested scholars Iong ago. For instance, in the І st half of the XXth century many scholars considered the language ( dialect) area of this region to bе а peculiar language community. The languages of this area, as Samuil Bernshtein has pointed out, are closely connected with the Balkan languages. The ancestors of Southern Slavs before the Balkan migration lived in the Carpathians and neighbouring regions. The Balkan herdsmen of different nationalities played an important role at that time. Already gathered in 225 settlements of the Carpathian-Balkan region, the dialectological material (ІехісаІ and semantic) for the "All-Carpathian Dialectological Atlas" is characterized bу its richness and originality and also bу the common lexemes and sememes in the dialects of the whole region. The present article deals with the South-Slavonic-Hungarian ІехісаІ parallels, namely Serb-Croatian-Hungarian, Bulgarian-Hungarian, Slovensco-Hungarian and Macedonian-Hungarian. Having analyzed this layer of lexicon the author comes to the conclusion that among the lexemes and sememes it is possible to find out the words of the all-­Slavonic fund - both ancient words and the ones of later period, substrate lexemes (and sememes) which deeply interprete migratory shiftings on these territories, uncover linguistic features of adequate names on Slavonic ground and common substrate sources.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник УжНУ Серія: Філологія. Випуск 5 – 2000

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