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Title: A zárt í -zés jelensége a Kárpátaljai magyar nyelvjárásokban
Other Titles: Тhе significance of thе closed i in thе hungarian dialects of Transcarpathia
Authors: Horvát, Katalin
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: Поліграфцентр "Ліра"
Citation: Horva’t, K. A za’rt i-ze’s jelense’ge a Ka’rpa’taljai magyar nylva’ra’sokban/ K. Horva’t// Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету: Серія: Філологія/ ред.кол.: В.В. Барчан (гол. ред.), Л.О. Белей, О.Д. Пискач та ін. – Ужгород: Поліграфцентр "Ліра", 2000. – Вип. 5. – С. 110-113. – Бібліогр.: с.112 (9 назв). – Рез. англ.
Abstract: ln special literature the viewpoint exists according to which in the Hungarian dialects of Transcarpathia /Nagyszőlős-Csap line/ І is in the use. In reality in the region of Nagyszőlős the closed І is characteristic for th dialects of the village Salank only /in the Atlas of the Hungarian dialects Szu-4/ and in other populated settlements, including the Hungarian dialects of Beregsas, two types of the vowel é are to bе distinguished: é-1 and é-2 which are considered to bе separate phonems having special functions /iég-verb, éig-noun/. The significance of the closed І is to bе taken into account both in stressed and unstressed position or in suffixes in the Hungarian-speaking villages and Mukachevo regions first of all. For example, bíka, víka, píndz; ríszeg, vín, kík, пíта, rígi; íl, csípel, szídűl, gőríny, vendíg, kemíny, dicsír, beszíl; cseperíszik, nyőgdícsel, toporzíkol, ajándík, festík, termíny, termís, kertísz, felesíg. máskínt, píndzír,főkípp, máskípp ... The spread of the closed І isoglosses is not very disctinct, evident because of the history of the villages under study. For instance, in the daialects of Uzhhorod and Mukachevo regions in а number of villages the phonems él and é2 are used whereas the dialect of Batzevo/Вeregsas region/ the closed І is characteristic.
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Науковий вісник УжНУ Серія: Філологія. Випуск 5 – 2000

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