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Назва: Medical Chemistry
Автори: Kozma, Anton
Golub, Nelya
Robashchuk, Antonina
Golub, Yevheniy
Дата публікації: 2024
Видавництво: Uzhhorod: Private Entrepreneur Roman O.I.
Бібліографічний опис: Kozma A.A., Golub N.P., Robashchuk A.V., Golub Ye.O. Methodical instructions for the laboratory workshop on the course «Medical Chemistry» for students of the Medical Faculty №2 of the Master's Degree (specialty 222-i Medicine) of the Uzhhorod National University. Uzhhorod: Private Entrepreneur Roman O.I., 2024. 132 p.
Опис: The discipline "Medical Chemistry" is one of the fundamental disciplines in higher medical education. This subject allows you to form a highly professional specialist in the specialty 222-i "Medicine". Such knowledge is essential in the practical work of a doctor. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of "Medical Chemistry", which is based on a symbiosis of educational material from physical, colloidal and inorganic chemistry, is necessary for a deeper understanding and mastery of professional medical disciplines. While studying Medical Chemistry, students integrate knowledge of bioinorganic chemistry, medical and biological physics, and medical biology. This lays important foundations for their subsequent study of biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, internal medicine, pathophysiology, as well as endocrinology, medical genetics, clinical pharmacology, clinical immunology and allergology, occupational diseases, hygiene disciplines and many others. The "Methodical instructions for the laboratory workshop on the course "Medical Chemistry" for students of the Medical Faculty №2 of the Master's degree program (specialty 222-i Medicine) are developed in full accordance with the work program for the course "Medical Chemistry". This manual includes laboratory works for two Modules of this discipline. For all 14 topics of the program educational material of the course "Medical Chemistry", the authors of these guidelines have prepared 39 laboratory works. Within each topic, several different methods of experimental work are presented. This allows the teacher to choose the experimental works, to organize individual work for each student well, and to implement a differentiated approach to the educational process. At the same time, the educational material is presented logically and consistently. Each topic is followed by a list of theoretical questions. Next, there are laboratory activities that involve performing experimental studies and making relevant physical and chemical calculations. Each methodology begins with a list of necessary equipment, the specific purpose of the work, and the learning objectives that students must solve. Each experimental work is accompanied by theoretical information, including basic concepts, laws, and calculation formulas. This is followed by a description of the experimental procedure and calculations. At the end of the methodology, tables with the necessary reference values and a sample of the final table with the results are presented. The developed methodological guidelines will help to improve the training of students of the Medical Faculty №2 of Uzhhorod National University in the specialty 222-i "Medicine" in accordance with modern requirements. The developed guidelines will also be useful for researchers and teachers of medical, chemical and related natural sciences.
Тип: Text
Тип публікації: Методичні рекомендації
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/63681
Розташовується у зібраннях:Навчально - методичні видання кафедри фізичної та колоїдної хімії

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