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Title: Determining the Eastern European non-governmental organizations sustainability under crisis conditions and during social and technological transformations.
Other Titles: Визначення стійкості східноєвропейських неурядових організацій в умовах кризи та соціально-технологічних трансформацій.
Authors: Tokar, Marian
Kumar, Hanna
Kostyrya, Inna
Kliuchnik, Alona
Токар, Маріан Юрійович
Keywords: соціологія, публічне управління, civil society organization, technological innovations
Issue Date: 28-Dec-2023
Publisher: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
Citation: Tokar, M., Kumar, H., Kostyrya, I., & Kliuchnik, A. (2023). Determining the Eastern European non-governmental organizations sustainability under crisis conditions and during social and technological transformations. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(13 (126)) "Technology Transfer: Industry, Energy, Nanotechnology", 33–41.
Series/Report no.: 6(13 (126));
Abstract: The object of this study is the stability of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of Eastern Europe during crisis phenomena with signs of social and technological transformations. The subject of research is the processes of transformations in the external and internal environment of the activities of non-governmental organizations, which have an impact on sustainability. The sustainability of non-governmental organizations is examined through the Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI). CSOSI allows measuring the impact of global crisis phenomena on the sustainability of an NGO based on the analysis of a number of components. The research was aimed at solving the task to find influencing factors on the activities of non-governmental organizations during the manifestation of crises of various directions. During the study, influencing factors were identified: organizational capacity, society's perception of the organization, and sectoral infrastructure. It is noted that the realm of technological development belongs to the sectoral infrastructure. On the one hand, the imperfection of technology can cause a crisis. On the other hand, technological innovations allow non-governmental organizations to overcome crises. It has been proven that NGO access to new technologies serves as a basis for ensuring the sustainability of the organization. A regression analysis of the influence of factors on the CSOSI index was carried out. An economic-mathematical model was built on this basis. The model proved the significance of the studied indicators, as their p-value remains below 0.05 (p≤0.05). As a result, this has made it possible to propose an improved model for the development of social innovations under conditions of crisis and uncertainty. The reported results could be used by the founders of NGOs, analytical and consulting companies to construct forecasts of the development of society.
Description: Section: Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology. DOI: URL:; (print) 1729-3774, (on-line) 1729-4061
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри соціології і соціальної роботи

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