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Title: Changes in the structural organization of lymph nodes during short-term exposure to monosodium glutamate.
Authors: Mateshuk-Vatseba, L.R
Holovatskyi, A.S
Harapko, T.V
Foros, A.I
Lytvak, Yu.V
Keywords: experiment, monosodium glutamate, lymphatic node, cortical substance, medullary substance, lymphocytes
Issue Date: 11-Sep-2022
Citation: 3. Mateshuk-Vatseba LR, Holovatskyi AS, Harapko TV, Foros AI, Lytvak Yu.V. Changes in the structural organization of lymph nodes during short-term exposure to monosodium glutamate. Reports of Morphology. 2022;28(4):34-40.
Series/Report no.: 28;4
Abstract: Monosodium glutamate is a common food additive that belongs to the group of flavorenhancers used in a wide range of food products. The potentially negative impact ofmonosodium glutamate on human health prompts us to question the safety of itswidespread use. The article presents and analyzes the data of an experimental studyconducted on 40 white male and female rats of reproductive age (2.5-3.5 months old)weighing 120-190 g. The purpose of the study is to study histological, morphometric,and ultrastructural changes in the lymph nodes of rats under conditions of short-termexposure to monosodium glutamate. An experimental group of animals (10 male rats,10 female rats), which was on a standard vivarium diet, was given monosodium glutamateat a dose of 0.07 g/kg of rat body weight by pipette every day at the same time for fourweeks, followed by free access to water and food. In animals of the intact group, thestructure of mesenteric lymph nodes corresponded to the species norm. In theexperimental group of animals, after four weeks of monosodium glutamate exposure, itwas found that the paracortical area contained a g larger number of post-capillaryvenules with a high endothelium compared to the intact and control groups of animals.Changes in the vascular bed were established, in particular, the arteries both in thethickness of the organ and in its hilum contain a thickened wall, their lumen is full ofblood. Veins are also full-blooded, dilated and deformed. Swelling of the parenchymaof nodes and signs of immune activity are observed. There is a significant decrease inthe relative area of lymphoid nodules and the mantle zone, an increase in the relativearea of the medullary substance of the node, corticomedullary index, germinal centers,paracortical area, and medullary cords. Part of lymphocytes of all populations withsigns of apoptosis. The other part has an uneven karyolemma contour, the nucleolus isnot visualized in all lymphocytes, the cytoplasm is clear and contains organelles.Mitochondria are hypertrophied with a light matrix. Therefore, even a short-term dailyexposure to monosodium glutamate, namely four weeks, causes changes in the structuralorganization of mesenteric lymph nodes
Type: Text
Publication type: Стаття
ISSN: 1818-1295 eISSN 2616-6194
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри анатомії людини та гістології

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