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Title: Innovations in higher education: domestic and foreign experience
Other Titles: Інновації у вищій освіті: вітчизняний і зарубіжний досвід
Authors: Artjomov, I.
Studenyak, I.
Golovach, J.
Gus, A.
Артьомов, Іван Володимирович
Студеняк, Ігор Петрович
Головач, Йожеф Ігнацович
Keywords: innovation, education, knowledge economy, skills
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ПП "А. А. Демидов "
Citation: Innovations in higher education: domestic and foreign experience : study manual / Under the General Editorship of Ivan Artjomov ; authors : I. Artjomov, I. Studenyak, J. Golovach, A. Gus ; reviewers : V. Luhovyi, Zh. Talanova. – Uzhhorod : SU “Uzhhorod National University”, 2016. – 348 p. (A series of “European Integration: Ukrainian Dimension”. Issue 27) : табл. – Текст англ. – Бібліогр. в кінці гл.
Series/Report no.: “European Integration: Ukrainian Dimension” Issue 27
Abstract: In the study manual”Innovations in higher education: domestic and foreign experience” disclosed conceptual aspects in formation of a single European educational area, speciϐic features of the Visegrad Four innovative policies, implementing educational innovations in higher education institutions of the world and Ukraine. The manual is part of educational and methodical complex developed by ER Institute of European Integration Studies in the framework of the research project “Innovative university – tool of integration to European educational and research area”.
Description: The publication is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the SU “Uzhhorod National University”
Type: Text
Publication type: Навчальний посібник
ISBN: 978-617-7333-07-3
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації (ННІ євроінтеграційних досліджень)

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