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Title: Innovations in higher education: glossary of terms and definitions
Other Titles: Інновації у вищій освіті: глосарій термінів і понять
Authors: Artjomov, I.
Pyasetska-Ustych, S.
Shershun, A.
Артьомов, Іван Володимирович
П’ясецька-Устич, Світлана Василівна
Keywords: innovation, education, knowledge economy, skills
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ДВНЗ "УжНУ"
Citation: Innovations in higher education: glossary of terms and definitions / edited by І. Artyomov ; auhors compilers : І. Artyomov, А. Shershun, S. Pyasetska-Ustych ; reviewers : V. Luhovyy, Zh. Talanova. – Uzhhorod : SU «Uzhhorod National University», 2016. – 160 p. – (A series of "European Integration: Ukrainian Dimension". Issue 29). – Текст англ.
Series/Report no.: "European Integration: Ukrainian Dimension" Issue 29
Abstract: This publication generalizes the system of terms and definitions of innovative activity in higher education, which is used by international and Ukrainian professional community. It contains about 300 key terms and definitions relating to the organization, operation and development of innovative activities of universities in terms of globalization and European integration. Glossary, which is a part of educational and methodical complex of publications issued by Institute for European Integration Studies of UzhNU on issues of higher education, was developed as part of the research project "Innovative University as a tool of integration into the European educational and scientific area." For students, graduate students, specialists in various fields of educational sphere, as well as all those interested in educational European integration processes.
Description: Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Uzhhorod National University.
Recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the SU "Uzhhorod National University" (Protocol No. 12 of 27.11.2015)
Type: Text
Publication type: Навчальний посібник
ISBN: 978-617-7333-09-7
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації (ННІ євроінтеграційних досліджень)

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