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Title: Spectroscopic determination of Bismuth with bisthioureas as chelating agent
Authors: Фізер, Максим Михайлович
Марійчук, Руслан Тарасович
Фізер, Оксана Іванівна
Сливка, Михайло Васильович
Лендєл, Василь Георгійович
Keywords: Spectroscopy, Bismuth, Bis-thiourea
Issue Date: 10-Sep-2015
Publisher: University of Presov in Presov, 01, Presov, Slovak Republic
Citation: Spectroscopic determination of Bismuth with bisthioureas as chelating agent // Maksym FIZER, Ruslan MARIYCHUK, Oksana FIZER, Mikhailo SLIVKA, Vasil LENDEL // International Scientific Conference "New Trends in Ecological and Biological Research", September 9th – 11th, 2015 University of Presov in Presov, 01, 17th November Presov, Slovak Republic, P. 33
Series/Report no.: Тези конференції;2015-02
Abstract: We developed a simple, accurate, sensitive and reliable method for the selective determination of Bi(III), which is based on spectrophotometric measurement of water soluble yellow bismuth-ligand complexes. The linear calibration ranges and limit of detection for the proposed method was 1.00×10-6 – 1.00×10-3 and 2.00×10-8 mol/L, respectively. The complexes were prepared due to simple mixing of probe with the organic-solvent solution of chelating agent. The influence of the amount of organic solvent was studied.
Description: Corresponding author: Faculty of Chemistry, Uzhhorod National University, Nadordna Sq. 3, Uzhhorod, 88000, Ukraine. Phone: +38 0503725325. Email: [email protected]
Type: Image
Publication type: Тези до статті
ISBN: 978-80-555-1354-6
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації кафедри органічної хімії

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