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Назва: Geospatial technologies for landslide monitoring: a case study of Sighetu Marmației, Romania
Автори: Kalmar, Tiberiu Mihai
Dîrja, Marcel
Rădulescu, Adrian Traian G. M.
Măran, Petru Daniel
Rădulescu, Gheorghe M. T.
Nychvyd, Mariya
Kalynych, Ivan
Rădulescu, Virgil Mihai G. M.
Gelu, Zaharia
Gelu, Danku
Ничвид, Марія Романівна
Калинич. Іван Васильович
Ключові слова: Landslides monitoring · UAV technologies · GNSS · GIS based spatial analysis · MaxEnt model
Дата публікації: 16-тра-2024
Видавництво: Springer Nature
Бібліографічний опис: Kalmar, T.M., Dîrja, M., Rădulescu, A.T.G.M. et al. Geospatial technologies for landslide monitoring: a case study of Sighetu Marmației, Romania. Environ Earth Sci 83, 341 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-024-11473-w
Короткий огляд (реферат): Landslides are a signifcant geological phenomenon with the potential for catastrophic consequences. There are numerous potential causes of landslides, including both natural and man-made ones. Their growing frequency raises alarm due to the often catastrophic consequences of these events. The monitoring of regions prone to landslides is a multifaceted undertak ing that involves the use of several technologies and approaches, such as geospatial technology and modeling. The primary objective of this work is to construct a spatial analysis model for a region in north-western Romania that is susceptible to landslides. A case study was conducted to estimate the susceptibility of landslides in a monitored region located near Sighetu Marmației, Romania. To achieve this objective, a combination of several technologies and approaches were used, such as remote sensing, land surveying, aerial photogrammetry, geographic information systems, and spatial modeling. The research region underwent landslide susceptibility evaluation by processing geo-information data using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and developing a prediction model based on the MaxEnt (Maximum Entropy) approach. The research’s distinctive contribution is integrating geo-information data acquired from the hazardous site utilizing geomatics methods into a novel geo-monitoring system. The research ofers valuable insights into the monitoring of landslides, adding to the current body of literature by introducing an expanded paradigm. The study’s theoretical and practical implications might be valuable for professionals, local authorities, emergency response agencies, and other parties involved in mitigating the danger of landslides
Тип: Text
Тип публікації: Стаття
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/62144
ISSN: 1866-6280
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри землевпорядкування та кадастру

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