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Назва: Triphenylphosphine–NBromosuccinimide
Автори: Korol, Nataliya
Slivka, Mikhailo
Дата публікації: 13-бер-2018
Бібліографічний опис: (Ph3P) [603‐35‐0] C18H15P (MW 262.30) InChI = 1S/C18H15P/c1‐4‐10‐16(11‐5‐1)19(17‐12‐6‐2‐7‐13‐17)18‐14‐8‐3‐9‐15‐18/h1‐15H InChIKey = RIOQSEWOXXDEQQ‐UHFFFAOYSA‐N (NBS) [128‐08‐5] C4H4BrNO2 (MW 177.99) InChI = 1S/C4H4BrNO2/c5‐6‐3(7)1‐2‐4(6)8/h1‐2H2 InChIKey = PCLIMKBDDGJMGD‐UHFFFAOYSA‐N (NCS) [128‐09‐6] C4H4ClNO2 (MW 133.54) InChI = 1S/C4H4ClNO2/c5‐6‐3(7)1‐2‐4(6)8/h1‐2H2 InChIKey = JRNVZBWKYDBUCA‐UHFFFAOYSA‐N (NIS) [516‐12‐1] C4H4INO2 (MW 224.99) InChI = 1S/C4H4INO2/c5‐6‐3(7)1‐2‐4(6)8/h1‐2H2 InChIKey = LQZMLBORDGWNPD‐UHFFFAOYSA‐N (conversion of primary alcohols to alkyl halides) Physical Data: See Triphenylphosphine, N‐Bromosuccinimide, N‐Chlorosuccinimide, and N‐Iodosuccinimide. Preparative Method: the mixed reagent is prepared in situ as needed by combining triphenylphosphine, the alcohol, and N‐halosuccinimide in a suitable solvent (usually DMF) and heating. Handling, Storage, and Precautions: precautions in handling should be made as described for the individual reagents. This mixed reagent is not appropriate for storage. Recrystallization of the triphenylphosphine and N‐halosuccinimide is necessary to achieve the most efficient halogenation reaction. In addition, the use of anhydrous solvent is important for the success of the reaction.
Серія/номер: Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis;
Тип: Text
Тип публікації: Стаття
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.uzhnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/lib/21267
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації кафедри органічної хімії

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